€23.79 B
25,18 €
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Dividend history for Philips (PHG)

Philips (stock symbol: PHG) made a total of 37 dividend payments.
The sum of all dividends (adjusted for stock splits) is : 19,26 €
Dividend yield (TTM) : 0.00% See Philips dividend yield history

Dividend payments for Philips (PHG) from 1986 to 2022

Annual dividend payments

Year Dividend (stock split adjusted) Change
2022 0,92 €-6.68%
2021 0,98 € 7.60%
2019 0,91 €-3.23%
2018 0,94 € 14.95%
2017 0,82 €-2.27%
2016 0,84 €-2.86%
2015 0,86 €-17.21%
2014 1,04 € 11.81%
2013 0,93 €-1.60%
2012 0,95 €-1.87%
2011 0,97 € 6.94%
2010 0,90 € 5.67%
2009 0,86 €-11.85%
2008 0,97 € 29.57%
2007 0,75 € 46.74%
2006 0,51 € 3.07%
2005 0,50 € 17.87%
2004 0,42 € 16.01%
2003 0,36 € 21.34%
2002 0,30 €-2.79%
2001 0,31 €-77.89%
2000 1,39 € 348.08%
1999 0,31 € 33.33%
1998 0,23 € 16.43%
1997 0,20 €-14.72%
1996 0,23 € 479.41%
1995 0,04043 €-72.80%
1990 0,15 €-23.22%
1989 0,19 €-4.68%
1988 0,20 € 0.59%
1987 0,20 € 280.72%
1986 0,05303 €N/A

List of all dividend payments

Date Dividend (stock split adjusted) Change
2022-05-120,92 €-6.68%
2021-05-100,98 € 7.60%
2019-05-130,91 €-3.23%
2018-05-070,94 € 14.95%
2017-05-120,82 €-2.27%
2016-05-130,84 €-2.86%
2015-05-080,86 €-17.21%
2014-05-051,04 € 11.81%
2013-05-070,93 €-1.60%
2012-05-020,95 €-1.87%
2011-04-040,97 € 6.94%
2010-03-290,90 € 5.67%
2009-03-300,86 €-11.85%
2008-03-280,97 € 29.57%
2007-03-300,75 € 46.74%
2006-03-310,51 € 3.07%
2005-04-010,50 € 17.87%
2004-03-260,42 € 16.01%
2003-03-280,36 € 21.34%
2002-04-020,30 €-2.79%
2001-03-300,31 €-72.51%
2000-07-271,12 € 311.20%
2000-04-050,27 € 4.29%
1999-03-260,26 € 426.92%
1999-03-170,04946 €-78.73%
1998-03-170,23 € 16.43%
1997-03-240,20 €-14.72%
1996-03-260,23 € 479.41%
1995-05-030,04043 €-72.80%
1990-04-110,15 € 146.06%
1989-12-110,06040 €-54.64%
1989-04-130,13 € 148.89%
1988-12-120,05351 €-64.23%
1988-04-130,15 € 132.10%
1987-12-100,06444 €-53.11%
1987-04-090,14 € 159.19%
1986-12-150,05303 €N/A

Dividend payments for similar companies or competitors

Company Number of dividend payments Country
220🇺🇸 USA
28🇩🇪 Germany
172🇮🇪 Ireland
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