Largest Companies by Marketcap

Companies: 10,444 total market cap: £93.099 T suggest/edit icon suggest/edit icon download icondownload icon
Rank by Market Cap Earnings Revenue Employees P/E ratio Dividend % Market Cap gain Market Cap loss Operating Margin Cost to borrow Total assets Net assets Total liabilities Total debt Cash on hand Price to Book More +
Market CapPriceTodayPrice (30 days)Country
favorite icon9701
£30.39 M£3.510.00%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9702
£30.37 M£0.098890.00%🇴🇲 Oman
favorite icon9703
£30.36 M£2.550.00%🇵🇱 Poland
favorite icon9704
£30.21 M£3.161.58%🇦🇹 Austria
favorite icon9705
£30.11 M£0.4414.16%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9706
£30.11 M£2.3913.24%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9707
£30.11 M£0.713.42%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9708
£30.02 M£0.722.15%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9709
£29.99 M£1.241.38%🇹🇼 Taiwan
favorite icon9710
£29.97 M£1.8215.98%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9711
£29.93 M£0.230.73%🇫🇷 France
favorite icon9712
£29.9 M£0.351.32%🇨🇳 China
favorite icon9713
£29.66 M£1.205.51%🇳🇴 Norway
favorite icon9714
£29.53 M£6.225.93%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9715
£29.53 M£11.312.38%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9716
£29.51 M£3.972.62%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9717
£29.47 M£1.056.56%🇨🇳 China
favorite icon9718
£29.45 M£0.570.00%🇦🇹 Austria
favorite icon9719
£29.44 M£3.062.09%🇯🇵 Japan
favorite icon9720
£29.38 M£1.380.59%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9721
£29.23 M£0.952.50%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9722
£28.94 M£0.821.23%🇳🇱 Netherlands
favorite icon9723
£28.89 M£1.721.92%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9724
£28.73 M£4.773.74%🇯🇵 Japan
favorite icon9725
£28.7 M£0.694.49%🇨🇳 China
favorite icon9726
£28.61 M£3.291.25%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9727
£28.57 M£0.553.13%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9728
£28.49 M£0.840.95%🇬🇧 UK
favorite icon9729
£28.38 M£0.270.00%🇨🇦 Canada
favorite icon9730
£28.34 M£502.3010.40%🇰🇼 Kuwait
favorite icon9731
£28.32 M£3.698.06%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9732
£28.31 M£0.690.00%🇦🇺 Australia
favorite icon9733
£28.3 M£1.910.00%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9734
£28.21 M£4.907.91%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9735
£28.19 M£312.950.00%🇰🇼 Kuwait
favorite icon9736
£28.09 M£0.816.54%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9737
£28.02 M£0.701.83%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9738
£28 M£0.841.85%🇫🇷 France
favorite icon9739
£27.99 M£0.056680.29%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9740
£27.93 M£4.142.00%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9741
£27.91 M£0.260.00%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9742
£27.76 M£4.492.11%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9743
£27.66 M£2.734.01%🇨🇦 Canada
favorite icon9744
£27.65 M£0.440.09%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9745
£27.6 M£0.350.25%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9746
£27.47 M£5.490.00%🇦🇹 Austria
favorite icon9747
£27.46 M£454.960.00%🇰🇼 Kuwait
favorite icon9748
£27.41 M£0.371.08%🇵🇱 Poland
favorite icon9749
£27.33 M£1.300.00%🇯🇵 Japan
favorite icon9750
£27.31 M£7.041.52%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9751
£27.25 M£1.536.44%🇸🇬 Singapore
favorite icon9752
£27.14 M£1.541.55%🇦🇺 Australia
favorite icon9753
£26.98 M£0.110.00%🇦🇪 UAE
favorite icon9754
£26.74 M£2.725.23%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9755
£26.67 M£4.900.87%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9756
£26.66 M£1.970.21%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9757
£26.63 M£0.042100.00%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9758
£26.26 M£1.412.79%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9759
£25.99 M£0.491.40%🇫🇷 France
favorite icon9760
£25.93 M£2.706.73%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9761
£25.91 M£5.461.22%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9762
£25.9 M£1.010.00%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9763
£25.77 M£1.296.47%🇭🇰 Hong Kong
favorite icon9764
£25.73 M£3.390.00%🇯🇵 Japan
favorite icon9765
£25.69 M£0.9512.03%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9766
£25.68 M£1.041.98%🇨🇦 Canada
favorite icon9767
£25.65 M£0.365.13%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9768
£25.57 M£1.601.60%🇯🇵 Japan
favorite icon9769
£25.47 M£15.161.52%🇩🇰 Denmark
favorite icon9770
£25.32 M£0.076984.42%🇮🇳 India
favorite icon9771
£25.32 M£0.340.00%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9772
£25.24 M£8.097.42%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9773
£25.15 M£5.440.99%🇬🇷 Greece
favorite icon9774
£25.13 M£0.013103.28%🇨🇳 China
favorite icon9775
£25.11 M£1.9241.92%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9776
£25 M£0.785.47%🇵🇱 Poland
favorite icon9777
£24.98 M£1.502.78%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9778
£24.93 M£0.910.01%🇲🇾 Malaysia
favorite icon9779
£24.84 M£0.210.00%🇦🇪 UAE
favorite icon9780
£24.81 M£1.231.94%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9781
£24.65 M£0.050840.00%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9782
£24.61 M£7.290.55%🇨🇳 China
favorite icon9783
£24.54 M£5.023.13%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9784
£24.42 M£1.453.47%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9785
£24.41 M£0.301.92%🇨🇦 Canada
favorite icon9786
£24.37 M£0.111.43%🇹🇷 Turkey
favorite icon9787
£24.31 M£0.684.92%🇮🇱 Israel
favorite icon9788
£24.23 M£0.440.39%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9789
£24.13 M£0.635.07%🇱🇺 Luxembourg
favorite icon9790
£23.95 M£4.050.00%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9791
£23.95 M£0.761.05%🇨🇳 China
favorite icon9792
£23.91 M£4.890.00%🇬🇧 UK
favorite icon9793
£23.9 M£0.222.20%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9794
£23.77 M£2.453.57%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9795
£23.74 M£4.641.85%🇫🇷 France
favorite icon9796
£23.72 M£0.412.43%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9797
£23.71 M£10.944.99%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9798
£23.62 M£0.322.21%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9799
£23.57 M£2.330.73%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9800
£23.55 M£1.032.31%🇲🇾 Malaysia

This is the list of the world's biggest companies by market capitalization. It ranks the most valuable public companies. Private companies are not included in our lists as it is difficult to calculate their market value and know their financials.