Top publicly traded real estate companies by revenue

Companies: 639 total revenue (TTM): £709.60 B suggest/edit icon suggest/edit icon download icondownload icon
Rank by Market Cap Earnings Revenue P/E ratio Dividend % Operating Margin Employees
RevenuePriceTodayPrice (30 days)Country
favorite icon601
£11.27 M £18.820.29%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon602
£10.93 M £5.371.65%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon603
£10.22 M £258.330.20%🇰🇼 Kuwait
favorite icon604
£10.07 M £0.170.25%🇶🇦 Qatar
favorite icon605
£10.02 M £26.130.68%🇨🇭 Switzerland
favorite icon606
£9.92 M £5.660.56%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon607
£9.5 M £12.011.40%🇪🇸 Spain
favorite icon608
£8.66 M £33.280.00%🇦🇹 Austria
favorite icon609
£8.53 M £5.150.00%🇭🇰 Hong Kong
favorite icon610
£8.26 M £12.670.00%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon611
£7.4 M £4.241.52%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon612
£7.15 M £6.910.00%🇪🇸 Spain
favorite icon613
£6.89 M £3.030.14%🇸🇦 S. Arabia
favorite icon614
£5.24 M £0.314.83%🇸🇬 Singapore
favorite icon615
£4.38 M £0.262.74%🇫🇷 France
favorite icon616
£4.21 M £200.981.04%🇰🇼 Kuwait
favorite icon617
£1.7 M £55.871.91%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon618
£1.28 M £84.470.00%🇰🇼 Kuwait
favorite icon619
£1.07 M £421.070.62%🇰🇼 Kuwait
favorite icon620
£0.41 M £4.890.00%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon621
£0.18 M £0.873.81%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon622
£0.17 M £286.740.00%🇰🇼 Kuwait
favorite icon623
£0.08 M £0.0030820.00%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon624
£0.06 M £7.700.00%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon625
N/A £1.632.46%🇦🇪 UAE
favorite icon626
N/A £0.450.00%🇦🇪 UAE
favorite icon627
N/A £0.071510.62%🇦🇪 UAE
favorite icon628
N/A £0.770.80%🇴🇲 Oman
favorite icon629
N/A £0.240.00%🇴🇲 Oman
favorite icon630
N/A £2.240.00%🇳🇱 Netherlands
favorite icon631
N/A £0.67900.00%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon632
N/A £0.720.00%🇮🇹 Italy
favorite icon633
N/A £377.400.27%🇯🇵 Japan
favorite icon634
-£10.22 Million £13.600.47%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon635
-£67.84 Million £4.355.19%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon636
-£84.34 Million £2.380.33%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon637
-£93.78 Million £9.131.09%🇮🇱 Israel
favorite icon638
-£0.26 Billion £9.331.56%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon639
-£0.71 Billion £1.373.16%🇬🇧 UK

List of the largest publicly traded real estate companies by revenue.